The Pack

Fostering a community of dog lovers who want their dogs to have the best social life possible. 

No bells and whistles, just playmates and packs.

What you can do now


Join groups and gatherings created by other dog owners for recreation or socialization purposes. Or form your own pack!


Join public and private events hosted by humane societies, shelters, local businesses or the city.


Get to know dogs in your neighborhood, city, and beyond.

Request to be friends and view a dog's information such as RABIES vaccination, favorite toys and activities, locations, and spayed/neutered status.


Let your dog be social and make friends without you having to share your own information. No user or dog's location is directly traceable in our App, and no human's information is public.

Coming Soon


Quickly find other dogs that live in your neighborhood, area, city, state and beyond.

Enriched Dog Profile

A more enriched dog profile to truly highlight your dog's unique personality.


Add family members, caretakers and co-owners to help manage your dog's profile and activities.

Dog Mail

Post quick pre-generated messages of the status of your dogs and other dogs.

Dog Alert

Report a lost/stolen dog, dangerous situation, or unruly owner. Notify nearby dog owners and form a search group.

Transparent Vet Care

Lookup for Primary Care or Emergency Vet Services near you and view price ranges before you go.

Pet Friendly

Locations & Experiences

Locate Restaurants, Stores, and Public Areas that welcome your furry friend as part of the crowd.