Dog Biometric Identification

A nonprofit research program

Research Purpose

While some technologies exist that can scan a dog at close range and determine probable breeds, no technology exists that can identify a dog at a distance or in motion. Further, current tracking technologies, such as GPS and microchips, require close proximity to the animal to identify it. By using biometric scanning, we can identify individual animals from a safe distance. Biometric data can also be used to determine a dog's breed, disposition, and state of health.

Research Goals

This program aims to develop a real-time full motion detection system that can identify each unique dog from a reasonable distance and assess a dog's current status (safe to approach, hurt, etc.).

Research Background

The existing methods of identifying and tracking dogs are inadequate. They are limited to working under difficult to achieve criteria and have few fail-safes. Further, none are able to identify a dog's health history, disposition or status. They link solely to the contact information of the owner or a home location.


Tracking Collar:

Methodology and Approach

We propose a ML/AI based solution for real-time full motion detection. It can capture essential biometric features that are unique to each dog from images or videos of a dog. It will generate a unique and universal dog biometric id for your dog. 

Whenever exposed to an image or video, our program can scan the media and detect whether a dog exists in the environment and identify the dog in real-time. It can also determine if anything is "unorthodox" about the dog's movement, posture, or expression to determine its temperament and approachability. 

Potential Contributions

Our biometric framework can become the preeminent dog identification solution. It can also be used in veterinary medicine to determine pain and comfort levels for an animal or identify subtle changes in an animal behavior in real time.

Further, a centralized dog biometric database can be created to be used by Humane Societies and the vet care system to share IDs and medical records to provide and provide better healthcare services collaboratively. 

All We Need Is Your Support

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